Narrative modes and structure:
Use of flashbacks:
•Flashback are interjected clips/ frames that takes the narrative back in time previous to when the current frames are set, and can be crucial to give the viewer the back story in some situations. Flashbacks can also take narrative somewhere outside of time all together, by acting as an individuals internal image of the past as they are imagining it, acting as a visual representation of the stream of consciousness.
must be made clear to the audience so that they do not get the narratives
chronology mixed up, this has been achieved in many ways throughout various
media texts . For example,
the edges of the picture may be deliberately blurred, photography may be
jarring or choppy, or unusual coloration or sepia tone, or monochrome when most
of the story is in full colour,
be used.
my production i hope to use full colour image's to represent the present time, and black and
white to represent the flash backs to the past, although this will still be more complex than it
first seems. The full colour images, contrasting the black and white clips i wish to portray as
part of a battle in the male characters stream of consciousness between the past
(delusion) and the present (reality), I hope to achieve this in order to relate to the
title of the song, nostalgia, although I want to leave the true meaning
ambiguous to the audience.
Use of montage:
narrative structure of my production is rather complex and utilizes a montage
technique, fading/ cutting with the beat, creating a link between the music and
the visuals, which is important for the stream of consciousness technique I
attempted to utilize to. Eisenstein describes montage as an alternative form
of form of “continuity editing”. That is putting
together a number of frames to create meaning, one frame informs the other.
therefore plan to use this convention of narrative structure to put clips of footage together
which on their own have little meaning, to create a continual flow of images
which i aim to be representative of the character's continual ebb and flow of thoughts and feelings and consciousness.